NSAC Online Convention Services and Classes
These FREE and PAID events are being sponsored by the NSAC Clubs, and are being held the week we would have been at convention. These are offered during the week from Monday, October 12, 2020 until Saturday, October 17, 2020. You do not have to be a member of NSAC to attend these great online resources. All these events are OPEN to everyone. You have to hit the hyper link to pre-register for any of these individual events. Please note that the times for these are set for Pacific time zone. Please know that all of these events are posted on our NSAC online services and classes Facebook page |
Paid Workshops and Events. (See below for FREE Events)
Advanced Mediumship DevelopmentMONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2020
TIME: 8 AM - 11 AM PST $25 NSAC Members, $40 Nonmembers Click this link to purchase tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/advance-mediumship-development-tickets-117041218435 Mediumship is an active process of being in a relationship with the Spiritual Realm. During this class, the students will be given the opportunity to deepen their understanding and relationship to the Spiritual Realm through a mixture of concept/theory and practical exercises. Richard P. Schoeller has been an NSAC member studying the Science, Philosophy, and Religion of Spiritualism since 1997 and holds the credentials of Ordained Minister, Certified Medium, Commissioned Spiritualist Healer and National Spiritualist Teacher. On January 4, 2004, he held the first service at a new Spiritualist Church, Summerland Church of Light, NSAC, which he, along with a devoted group of individuals helped to found; he served as Pastor there until 2012. Richard was elected as Trustee to the National Spiritualist Association of Churches Board at the 112th NSAC Convention in Ronkonkoma, NY. He served on the Board through the 118th NSAC Convention in Orlando, FL. In October 2012 Richard received the Teacher of the Year award at the 120th NSAC Convention in Seattle, WA. Aside from being a member of the Lily Dale Assembly since August 2004, and the International Spiritualist Federation since April 2007, Richard currently holds the position of Vice President of the International Spiritualist Federation and is a Teacher with the Inner Spiritual Center, an independent Spiritualist center in Wayne, NJ. Richard has taught classes and demonstrated mediumship in England, Holland, Scotland, Austria, Switzerland, and Germany as well as served Spiritualist churches and centers throughout the United States. |
Introduction to Trance MediumshipMONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2020
TIME: 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM PST $25 NSAC Members, $40 Nonmembers Click this link to purchase tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/introduction-to-trance-mediumship-tickets-117074381627 Richard Schoeller will share with you an understanding of Trance and its differences between Mental and Physical Mediumship. He will also explain to you how the Spiritual Realm can work with the medium in letting go and trusting, to allow for philosophy and healing to come through. A demonstration of trance may be possible. Depending upon the class energetic and dynamic, Richard might choose to offer a demonstration of Trance to allow for his teacher or a member of his spirit team that works with him to come through. Richard P. Schoeller has been an NSAC member studying the Science, Philosophy, and Religion of Spiritualism since 1997 and holds the credentials of Ordained Minister, Certified Medium, Commissioned Spiritualist Healer and National Spiritualist Teacher. On January 4, 2004, he held the first service at a new Spiritualist Church, Summerland Church of Light, NSAC, which he, along with a devoted group of individuals helped to found; he served as Pastor there until 2012. Richard was elected as Trustee to the National Spiritualist Association of Churches Board at the 112th NSAC Convention in Ronkonkoma, NY. He served on the Board through the 118th NSAC Convention in Orlando, FL. In October 2012 Richard received the Teacher of the Year award at the 120th NSAC Convention in Seattle, WA. Aside from being a member of the Lily Dale Assembly since August 2004, and the International Spiritualist Federation since April 2007, Richard currently holds the position of Vice President of the International Spiritualist Federation and is a Teacher with the Inner Spiritual Center, an independent Spiritualist center in Wayne, NJ. Richard has taught classes and demonstrated mediumship in England, Holland, Scotland, Austria, Switzerland, and Germany as well as served Spiritualist churches and centers throughout the United States. |
Exploring Precipitated ArtFRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2020
TIME: 9 AM - 11 AM PST $25 NSAC Members, $40 Nonmembers Click this link to purchase tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/exploring-precipitated-art-tickets-118540470739 Precipitated Art is perhaps one of the rarest forms of physical mediumship. Much debated and investigated. In this illustrated lecture, Robin will introduce the mediums involved in this work, examples of the work and some of the history and the fascinating stories. This workshop will be an illustrated lecture and there will be time at the end to ask questions about the phenomena. Robin Hodson --Robin is the President of the International Spiritualist Federation and President of Seafordspirit, an independent Spiritualist centre. He is an English Medium with over 30 years experience serving Spiritualist Churches and Centre both in his native Britain and America, Canada, Finland, Iceland, Australia, and Sweden. In addition to the church and public platform presentations of mediumship, Robin is an experienced tutor in the various forms of mediumship, his main area of interest is trance and physical mediumship, having run physical circles for over 26 years Exploring Physical Mediumship
TIME: 12 PM - 2 PM PST $25 NSAC Members, $40 Nonmembers Click this link to purchase tickets: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/exploring-physical-mediumship-tickets-118558456535 The beginnings of modern Spiritualism were founded upon this fascinating form of mediumship. Yet today physical mediumship appears to be coming rare. What distinguishes physical mediumship from the norm today … a look at the past, present, and guidance for the future of Physical mediumship. Robin will share his knowledge and over 30 years’ experience in this field. This workshop composes an illustrated lecture and question and answers session. Robin Hodson --Robin is the President of the International Spiritualist Federation and President of Seafordspirit, an independent Spiritualist centre. He is an English Medium with over 30 years of experience serving Spiritualist Churches and Centres both in his native Britain and America, Canada, Finland, Iceland, Australia, and Sweden. In addition to the church and public platform presentations of mediumship, Robin is an experienced tutor in the various forms of mediumship, his main area of interest is trance and physical mediumship, having run physical circles for over 26 years. |
FREE Workshops and Events - OPEN to everyone!
The Teachings of Spiritualism
TIME: 9 AM (Rev. Betty Hutt) TIME: 10:30 AM (Rev. Sharon Watson) TIME: 12 PM (Rev. Stacy Kopchinski You are invited to a Zoom meeting. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpfu6vrz0uEtwSvnEsa5qOJkaBv3mqyOkk After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Come and learn about the Teachings of Spiritualism. This will be a three-part class to teach you what the NSAC Teachers teach others about Spiritualism.
At 9 am, the Reverend Betty Hutt, NST will take a look into the Pioneers and History of the movement of Spiritualism. Continuing from 10:30 am, the Reverend Sharon Watson, NST will talk about the terms and definitions that we use in the Science, Philosophy, and Religion of Spiritualism. From 12 pm, the Reverend Stacy Kopchinski, NST will talk about and help you form a Home Circle so you may continue your learning with Spirit and Spiritualism. Please feel free to join us! Click on the link below for registering and receiving the link. The NST Club is happy to offer this class for no cost. NSAC RELIGIOUS SERVICE
TIME: 5 PM - 7 PM You are invited to a Zoom meeting. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0vfu6orzIrG93tBpGI4yycxBS_wZJLakcE After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. With our National Convention Cancelled this year for Safety and Wellness of our Members, the NSAC Services Clubs have put together a week of education and religious services. Please see below to register. You must register for each evening. The NST Club is hosting this evening service. Chairperson is the Reverend Sharon Watson, NST, and our inspirational speaker and medium is the Reverend Richard Schoeller, NST. Student Religious Service
TIME: 5 PM - 7 PM PST You are invited to a Zoom meeting. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwude2rqDwrHdfxJsVa_2tQS8ysS9CZuUIB After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. With our National Convention Cancelled this year for Safety and Wellness of our Members, the NSAC Services Clubs have put together a week of education and religious services. Please see below to register. You must register for each evening.
The Licentiate Minister and Certified Medium Club is hosting this evening student service. Chairperson is the Reverend Sharon Watson, NST, and our inspirational speaker and medium will be determined soon. If you are a Morris Pratt Student and working towards your credentials with the NSAC for mediumship or ministry please email the club at [email protected] to find out how to serve in this religious service. |
Working Together for Spiritualism
TIME: 9 AM - 11 AM PSt You are invited to a Zoom meeting. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0of-mvrTIoEtUnWXRNDpOZZWAkzNVTQy0v After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The NSAC Churches work with Pastors/Pastoral Committees and Boards to bring Spiritualism to those seeking. What duties are the Pastors and what duties are the Board? What happens when certain responsibilities cross both aspects of the church? What are the Spiritual aspects of the church? Come and join us when the Reverend Rosemary Calderalo, NST talks about the roles and responsibilities of the Pastor/Pastoral Committee and the Church Board. This class is sponsored by the Ministerial Association and is free to NSAC Member. Reserve your spot and get your link here
TIME: 5 PM - 7 PM You are invited to a Zoom meeting. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpc-2gpzgqGNy-vllr9BHZFwwtu2EAUSDa After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. With our National Convention Cancelled this year for Safety and Wellness of our Members, the NSAC Services Clubs have put together a week of education and religious services. Please see below to register. You must register for each evening. The Ministerial Association is hosting this evening service. Chairperson is the Reverend Norma Turner, NST, and our inspirational speaker and medium will be determined soon. Spiritualist Lyceum for Children and Families
TIME: 10 AM PST You are invited to a Zoom meeting. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZclfu6opzoqEtaKLgyNuwj_WxyPedDXVmCl After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Join the Director of our Lyceum Department the Reverend Havi Richards for this educational online class for children and families.
Spiritualist Healing Past Present and Future
TIME: 1 PM - 3 PM PST You are invited to a Zoom meeting. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvduqvrz0sH9M6W-zORl86ZLoy4vKM4BlC After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The Healers League is proud to Sponsor this free class on Spiritualist Healing. There are many Spiritual Healing Modalities and now more than ever we need to share in healing.
Spiritualist Healing is just one of many ways to heal. In this workshop, we will look into the way it was formed, the techniques of where it was when it started, and where it is now, and where it can lead. Spiritualist healing is remarkable healing using Spirit healers and their energy. There are many ways and techniques that can be utilized when healing. The Class will be taught by Reverend Stacy Kopchinski CH, CM, and NST. Healing Service
TIME: 5 PM - 7 PM You are invited to a Zoom meeting. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYucOuppj8oGNIJH5KyDH58Ed55KXAP72gP After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. With our National Convention Cancelled this year for the Safety and Wellness of our Members, the NSAC Services Clubs have put together a week of education and religious services. Please see below to register. You must register for each evening. The Healers League is hosting this evening service. Chairperson is the Reverend Havi Richards, NST Building a Family Community in Spiritualist Church or Camp
TIME: 2 PM - 4 PM PST You are invited to a Zoom meeting. Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkduupqTwjGdC2xE3OZHNoOjUbgBVFXvNo After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Join the Department of Lyceums as they give tips and tricks to establishing a children's or family lyceum in your Spiritualist Church or Camp. Learn what to expect from a Lyceum Teacher, how to build your younger membership, and how to attract families.