Mediumship Development Circle
The Mediumship Development Circle meets every Tuesday and is open to the public, no experience necessary. Attendees can focus on developing their mediumship abilities, or just enjoy receiving messages from Spirit.
All attendees will gain a deeper understanding in how to connect with Spirit, Spirit Guides, and those in Spirit. This circle encourages you to experience and develop your abilities through exercises, guest presenters, workshops, and homework.
The Mediumship Development Circle is Back!
Every Tuesday from 7 pm to 8:30 pm, we will continue with another Mediumship Circle as we have done before.
We are excited because the circle will be both online and in-person at the same time as a hybrid Mediumship Circle.
We welcome you to our weekly Tuesday evening circle if you are new or considering exploring your psychic abilities and mediumistic sensitivity.
Come join us and sit with like-minded souls in the unfoldment of your spiritual path with meditation, psychic and mediumship exercises, philosophical and ethical discussions, and some homework.
Each circle starts promptly at 7 pm and closes around 8:30 pm.
The suggested circle fee is $10, payable in person or online during the circle session.
Time: 7 pm to 8:30 pm
Facilitator: James Bae
*(Canceled for September month, 2024)
Where: 1901 Franklin St. San Francisco, CA 94109
Golden Gate Spiritualist Church
Both in-person and Online (Please email James at: [email protected] for the Zoom link)
Suggested donation: $10
No one turned away for lack of funds.
All donations go to support Celebrate LIFE! and Golden Gate Spiritualist Church
See CALENDAR for more information
Mediumship Course
Mediumship and Spiritual Development – Trusting Your Soul’s Journey
Have you been or thinking of exploring your psychic abilities and mediumistic sensitivity?
Would you like to get a hands-on approach to developing in all aspects of mediumship?
This course is spread out over 4 Saturdays encouraging you to discover your full potential in the unfoldment of your spiritual path. The course is designed to give you strong intensive practical days with a small number of people in the group.
Each class will start with “Sitting in the Power of the Spirit.” Then we will look at different tools and techniques in enhancing the blending with spirit to strengthen mediumistic and spiritual development. Your commitment and willingness to learn will allow your spiritual gifts to unfold naturally and will build the confidence and trust in you.
In mediumship, the biggest obstacle to overcome is your “mind.” Your journey to mediumship begins with trusting what your “soul” desires.
DATES: Future Classes TBA
Mediumship and Spiritual Development – Trusting Your Soul’s Journey
Have you been or thinking of exploring your psychic abilities and mediumistic sensitivity?
Would you like to get a hands-on approach to developing in all aspects of mediumship?
This course is spread out over 4 Saturdays encouraging you to discover your full potential in the unfoldment of your spiritual path. The course is designed to give you strong intensive practical days with a small number of people in the group.
Each class will start with “Sitting in the Power of the Spirit.” Then we will look at different tools and techniques in enhancing the blending with spirit to strengthen mediumistic and spiritual development. Your commitment and willingness to learn will allow your spiritual gifts to unfold naturally and will build the confidence and trust in you.
In mediumship, the biggest obstacle to overcome is your “mind.” Your journey to mediumship begins with trusting what your “soul” desires.
DATES: Future Classes TBA